Asta_Black-Clover Sage also show the proof that you did it and screenshot every electronic that has a browser fully powered off with no light shown on any of them.
Sage Asta_Black-Clover I’m in 6th grade, but I guess I’m already out here solving problems your high school brain might struggle with. Keep up, lil bro, and I might just help you out with that pop quiz you’re so worried about. 😎
Sage Erickson Bro, he literally asked me to solve it. Why you out here playing referee when you can’t even keep up with the conversation? Sit down, Erickson 💀
Sage Erickson On my head? Bro, you’re barely on the bench. You’re out here talking loud for someone playing spectator in a convo that wasn’t even about you 💀. Stay humble, background character.